Fresh year(大一)
Introduction to Business 商科入门
Principles of Accounting I 会计原理I
Principles of Accounting II 会计原理ii
Sophomore Year(大二)
Intermediate Accounting I 中级会计I
Pre-calculus 微积分入门
Business Law I 商业法
Intermediate Accounting II 中级会计II
Analytical and Statistical Modeling 分析统计
Junior Year(大三)
Money and Banking 货币银行学
Cost Accounting 成本会计
Managerial Finance 管理财务
Organizational Behavior 组织行为学
Principles of Auditing 审计原理
Management of Human Resources 人力资源
Marketing 市场营销
Senior Year(大四)
International Business 国际商业
Federal Income Taxation I 联邦所得税I
Advanced Accounting 高级会计
Federal Income Taxation II 联邦所得税II
Government and Fund Accounting 政府基金会计学
Business Policy and Strategy 商务政策与战略
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